CHC volunteers put their skills and talents to work by helping with important certification and recertification projects. CHC success is built on this group's amazing support. Thank you, CHC Volunteers!
Want to join the fun? The CHC is a micro-volunteer organization. Any amount of time you can offer works. Fill out the Volunteer Form to expand your network, support your profession and earn CEUs!
98% of the work done by the CHC is performed by hard-working volunteers. Many hands make light work! The entire homeopathic community benefits from every effort...great or small...that is donated towards our collective mission. Many volunteers join a committee where their attendance at monthly meetings focuses their contribution towards projects that align with annual strategic goals and the mission and vision of the CHC. You may be interested in joining one of these CHC Committees in 2023: -Continuing Professional Development Committee -Exam Committee -Item Writing Sub-committee -Item Editing Sub-committee -Pre-Qualification Evaluation Committee -Finance Committee -Nominations Committee -Public Relations Committee -Standards and Ethics Committee -Accreditation Committee -Strategic Planning Committee -Insurance & Reimbursement Committee -Globalization Committee -Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
2023 CHC Committee Volunteers

Former CHC President and Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

CHC Committee Volunteer

We are looking forward to receiving your Request to Volunteer!